French Connection Corporate Office Headquarters

Head Office Address : Second Floor, Centro 1, 39 Plender St, London NW1 0DT, United Kingdom

Phone Number : +44 (0) 20 7036 7200

Email :

Web :

Twitter ID : @

French Connection corporate office headquarters
French Connection
Average rating:  
 2 reviews
 by Albert Fraser

I'm delighted I've only recently learned about the French Connection this year! They provide a huge selection of amazing home decor items and accessories.There are a lot of things in my son's and my homes.Recently, Kurt and Anna from customer service handled the return of a few inappropriate items. refunding in accordance with their policies. I'm grateful.

 by Ronnie Colby

I had to bring up a problem with a French Connection client, and they went above and beyond to make sure I was satisfied, which is why I felt compelled to write a review for them. Since I've recently experienced issues with subpar customer service (M&S), I genuinely think that praise should be given where credit is due. Leah, you did a fantastic job. We appreciate you realising that the client needs to be handled properly and with respect.

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French Connection
Average rating:  
 2 reviews
 by Albert Fraser

I'm delighted I've only recently learned about the French Connection this year! They provide a huge selection of amazing home decor items and accessories.There are a lot of things in my son's and my homes.Recently, Kurt and Anna from customer service handled the return of a few inappropriate items. refunding in accordance with their policies. I'm grateful.

 by Ronnie Colby

I had to bring up a problem with a French Connection client, and they went above and beyond to make sure I was satisfied, which is why I felt compelled to write a review for them. Since I've recently experienced issues with subpar customer service (M&S), I genuinely think that praise should be given where credit is due. Leah, you did a fantastic job. We appreciate you realising that the client needs to be handled properly and with respect.

Recently updated on March 19th, 2024 at 04:07 am

French Connection Headquarters Info

You can find the corporate head office address and French Connection headquarters in Second Floor, Centro 1, 39 Plender St, London NW1 0DT, United Kingdom. Most of the operations handled from this French Connection headquarter.

  • Address: French Connection headquarters is completely transparent when it comes to contact information and location of the French Connection headquarters. You can address any letters to this corporate headquarters office to: Second Floor, Centro 1, 39 Plender St, London NW1 0DT, United Kingdom.
  • Phone Number: Call +44 (0) 20 7036 7200  to reach someone at French Connection As soon as you speak with a representative, you should have a fair solution to your problem that is relatively fast.
  • Email: As an alternative, you can email French Connection at that may help spread the word about your problem. You can also contact someone close to the head office by emailing the Media Help department.
  • Website: You can use their website and contact any department for general help. there is no dedicated website for French Connection headquarters.

French Connection Headquarters Executive Team

French Connection headquarters is run by an executive team. Below are some executive team members name of French Connection corporate office UK.

  • Stephen Marks – Chairman and Chief Executive
  • Lee Williams – Cgma – Chief Financial Officer
  • Sarah Curran Mbe – Non Executive Director

French Connection corporate office addresses

Corporate addresses
French Connection (UK) Second Floor, Centro 1, 39 Plender St, London NW1 0DT, United Kingdom
French Connection (USA) 512 Fashion Ave, New York, NY 10018, United States
French Connection (Netherland) Cornelis Schuytstraat 36, 1071 JK Amsterdam, Netherlands

French Connection Headquarters Location & Directions

Resource Links

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Website Feedback

Also Read : Zenith Windows Corporate office Headquarter

French Connection Headquarters Location & Directions Kingdom FAQS

Q. Where is French Connection Headquarters?

A. French Connection headquarters is located at Second Floor, Centro 1, 39 Plender St, London NW1 0DT, United Kingdom.

Q. How do I contact French Connection United Kingdom Headquarter?

A. Customers can contact French Connection via this contact number +44 (0) 20 7036 7200.

Q. What French Connection United Kingdom phone number?

A. French Connection Phone number +44 (0) 20 7036 7200.

Q. Who CEO French Connection United Kingdom?

A. Stephen Marks – Chief executive.

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French Connection
Average rating:  
 2 reviews
 by Albert Fraser

I'm delighted I've only recently learned about the French Connection this year! They provide a huge selection of amazing home decor items and accessories.There are a lot of things in my son's and my homes.Recently, Kurt and Anna from customer service handled the return of a few inappropriate items. refunding in accordance with their policies. I'm grateful.

 by Ronnie Colby

I had to bring up a problem with a French Connection client, and they went above and beyond to make sure I was satisfied, which is why I felt compelled to write a review for them. Since I've recently experienced issues with subpar customer service (M&S), I genuinely think that praise should be given where credit is due. Leah, you did a fantastic job. We appreciate you realising that the client needs to be handled properly and with respect.