Karen Millen Corporate Office Headquarters

Head Office Address : Montfichet Rd, London E20 1EL, United Kingdom

Phone Number : +44 345 257 2257

Email : customerservices@karenmillen.com

Web : https://www.karenmillen.com/

Twitter ID : @https://twitter.com/karenmillen

Karen Millen corporate office headquarters
Karen Millen
Average rating:  
 2 reviews
 by Chloe Maddox

Saniya and Nikki assisted me with customer support after I emailed Karen Millen after receiving the incorrect garment. They sent my original item by express post and described the procedure for returning it. I was initially somewhat upset because I had ordered the skirt for a party, but because of the quick turnaround, I believe it will arrive on schedule.

 by Hazel Payton

For the first trip, I made a return from Estonia and regrettably did not select a carrier. I wrote to customer support, and I never imagined that I would get back to me with a response this prompt, thorough, and kind🙏. It's so adorable! Charlotte, thank you very much! 😘

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Karen Millen
Average rating:  
 2 reviews
 by Chloe Maddox

Saniya and Nikki assisted me with customer support after I emailed Karen Millen after receiving the incorrect garment. They sent my original item by express post and described the procedure for returning it. I was initially somewhat upset because I had ordered the skirt for a party, but because of the quick turnaround, I believe it will arrive on schedule.

 by Hazel Payton

For the first trip, I made a return from Estonia and regrettably did not select a carrier. I wrote to customer support, and I never imagined that I would get back to me with a response this prompt, thorough, and kind🙏. It's so adorable! Charlotte, thank you very much! 😘

Recently updated on March 6th, 2024 at 10:20 am

Karen Millen Headquarters Info

You can find the corporate head office address and Karen Millen headquarters in Montfichet Rd, London E20 1EL, United Kingdom. Most of the operations handled from this Karen Millen corporate headquarter.

  • Address: Karen Millen headquarters is completely transparent when it comes to contact information and location of the Karen Millen headquarters. You can address any letters to this corporate headquarters office to: Montfichet Rd, London E20 1EL, United Kingdom.
  • Phone Number: Call +44 345 257 2257 to reach someone at Karen Millen As soon as you speak with a representative, you should have a fair solution to your problem that is relatively fast.
  • Email: As an alternative, you can email Karen Millen at customerservices@karenmillen.com that may help spread the word about your problem. You can also contact someone close to the head office by emailing the Media Help department.
  • Website: You can use their website karenmillen.com and contact any department for general help. there is no dedicated website for Karen Millen headquarters.

Karen Millen Headquarters Executive Team

Karen Millen headquarters is run by an executive team. Below are some executive team members name of Foot Locker corporate office UK.

    • Derek Lovelock – Executive Chairman
    • Gemma Metheringham– Joint Managing Director
    • Steve Price – Joint Managing Director
    • Sanam Soufipour – Chief Financial Officer
    • Simon Gaffey – International Director
    • Tracey Mann – Retail Director

Karen Millen corporate office addresses

Corporate addresses
Karen Millen (UK) Montfichet Rd, London E20 1EL, United Kingdom
Karen Millen (USA) 1400 Broadway # 2310, New York, NY 10018, United States

Karen Millen Headquarters Location & Directions

Resource Links

Support Feedback
Website Feedback

Also Read : The White Company Corporate office, Headquarters

Karen Millen Kingdom FAQS

Q. Where is Karen Millen Kingdom Headquarters?

A. Karen Millen headquarters is located at Tom Mackie House 1 Station Road Kenilworth Warwickshire CV8 1JJ.

Q. How do I contact Karen Millen United Kingdom Headquarter?

A. Customers can contact Karen Millen via this contact number +44 345 257 2257.

Q. What is Karen Millen United Kingdom phone number?

A. Karen Millen Phone number +44 345 257 2257.

Q. Who CEO Karen Millen United Kingdom?

A. Beth Butterwick – Chief executive.

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Karen Millen
Average rating:  
 2 reviews
 by Chloe Maddox

Saniya and Nikki assisted me with customer support after I emailed Karen Millen after receiving the incorrect garment. They sent my original item by express post and described the procedure for returning it. I was initially somewhat upset because I had ordered the skirt for a party, but because of the quick turnaround, I believe it will arrive on schedule.

 by Hazel Payton

For the first trip, I made a return from Estonia and regrettably did not select a carrier. I wrote to customer support, and I never imagined that I would get back to me with a response this prompt, thorough, and kind🙏. It's so adorable! Charlotte, thank you very much! 😘